Surprisingly Home: The subsidiary home Furnishing chain continues to provide guarantee for the financing of the merchant not exceeding 900 million yuan

News: On October 30, the surprisingly home new Retail Group Co., Ltd. issued a progress announcement on the wholly-owned subsidiary to continue to provide guarantees for cooperative objects.

New media learned that previously, Beijing Unexpectedly Home Home Chain Co., LTD. (Home chain), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unexpectedly Home, renewed the relevant business cooperation agreement and guarantee contract with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited Beijing Dongcheng Branch, Bank of China Limited Beijing Dongcheng Branch, and China Citic Bank Limited Beijing Branch. By the above banks to provide financing services for eligible merchants of Home chain (the use of such loans is limited to the merchants prepaid company rent and property fees), the total guarantee is not more than RMB 900 million.

On the announcement date, Home chain and Bank of China signed the \”Credit Guarantee Cooperation Agreement\” and the \”General Agreement on Margin Pledge\”, stipulating that the Bank of China will issue loans (including corporate loans and personal business loans) to borrowers who meet the borrowing conditions, and Home chain will provide irrevocable joint and several liability guarantee for the credit extension business of borrowers in the Bank of China. The borrower is an eligible merchant and borrows money to pay rent and property costs.

During the cooperation period, the guarantee amount provided by Home Furnishing chain for a single loan of the borrower shall not exceed RMB 5 million yuan, and the total principal balance guaranteed by the guarantee provided by Bank of China credit shall not exceed RMB 300 million yuan. In order to guarantee the performance of the debt, Home Furnishing chain provides a margin pledge to the Bank of China. The actual contract shall prevail.

At the same time, the cooperation between Home chain and ICBC and China CITIC Bank is still in accordance with the previously signed \”Operation fast Loan Cooperation Agreement\” and \”Maximum Amount Guarantee Contract\”.

Up to now, the guaranteed balance between Jingjia and its holding subsidiaries totaled 456,0211,000 yuan, accounting for 23.06% of the company\’s audited net assets in the latest period; The guarantee balance of the Company and its holding subsidiaries to units outside the scope of the consolidated statements was 11,729,100 yuan, accounting for 0.60% of the company\’s audited net assets in the latest period.

This article is from viewpoint


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