Accompanying notes – The \”tip\” and \”inside\” of the Jianghu skin door

Pimen is different from Kinmen. Kinmen are all fake and you can make money. When you\’re sick, you need a little fake. This fake, Jianghu is called \”inside the gang\”, commonly known as \”opening the art\”, Song people said that the rule of Kou Chun, with the Han Huo Guang is \”ignorant\”, which shows that \”art\” is indispensable.

Take an example to illustrate that before liberation, there was a doctor named Liao in Goutou Lane, Chengdu, who not only read medical books, studied medical science, and knew the medicinal properties, but also the eloquence and clinical effect were quite good. But he was poor in winter, no cotton-padded jacket, put a oven to keep out the cold, and usually there was no next meal, others said he was \”plague\”. After liberation, he continued to cure a lot of difficult severe diseases, almost medicine to eliminate the disease, everyone was impressed.

Why was Dr. Liao so bad before liberation?

The reason is very simple, he can not grasp the psychology of the patient, the lack of coping skills, the disease is not good, he wants to go to the doctor, and can not explain clearly in advance. In the jargon, there are \”sharp principles\” without \”inner principles\”, that is, there is technology without business. The technology is limited, the disease is infinite, and the finite to deal with the infinite, will inevitably fail. Take the 1990s as an example, although medical science is improving day by day, there are still many bad diseases, if you do not have the ability to reluctantly want to cure well, it is bound to end in misfortune. The example of Dr. Liao shows that doctors must understand psychology and be good at dealing with patients. This set of \”opening art\” is called \”inside\”, and the real technology is called \”sharp\”, and summed up a rule: \” In the middle of the sharp, is the immortal; In the sharp, can not see \”.

The so-called \”in the middle of the sharp\” refers to coping with more than technology, such people live a divine life, carefree. The so-called \”tip in the middle\” refers to technology as the main, coping with the second, more patients with good treatment, one by one, and rich income. Even if there is a patient who is not well treated, because he can cope with the method, the patient will not be offended, and his reputation will not be damaged, so he cannot afford to know. In history, Wang Jixian, the imperial physician of Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, was one of the best \”Jian Zhong Li\”. He fled to Hangzhou from Kaifeng, picked a medicine to go from street to street, looking for money to eat, and was simply a traveling doctor. Later, because of the good treatment of Song Gaozong tumor, and when the imperial doctor, red extremely for a while. Because of his friendship with Qin Kuei, he was implicated, confiscated his family property, and banished to Fuzhou. Because of his excellent technology, he earned money by medical treatment in Fuzhou, and became a rich family with the \”first Lianyun\” and was respected as the \”Black Tiger King Doctor\”.

> From his pick over the medicine, showing that he ran across the rivers and lakes, understand the psychology of the patient will deal with the patient, and the technology is smart, treat the disease well, so to a place on the red, really full of \”can not afford\”! Once again, take the case before liberation as an example:

A surname Li, wandering to Wenjiang, at the first arrival of the teahouse hotel to the local vendor said: \”you give me a patient, the patient\’s consultation fee, each half.\” So constantly to the patient, Li Mou also cured some difficult diseases, and then the patient introduced people, business thriving, soon red outlook, earn a lot of money, in Wenjiang buy outlook two or three hundred acres of fields. This is also \”in the tip\”, so can not see.

Back to the \”middle tip\”. There is a surgeon in Chengdu, the secret book at hand is the \”New compilation of testing prescriptions\”. However, he was good at boasting, pretending to be a famous doctor, and he was also good at dealing with patients, although there were not many patients, and he was very hungry for money. Facts have proved that doctors cannot do without technology, just blindly blowing up the medical bad disease, pure \”inside\”, will not work, even the tour doctor is no exception. Doctors must be skilled, but as patients, how can we identify whether a doctor is skilled? This is very critical.

Generally, people choose doctors by three criteria: 1, the number of people. 2. Big name. 3. High theoretical level. These choices, while plausible, have drawbacks. If some doctors use a set of rivers and lakes, use the \”pyramid\” technique to show that the technology is good, see more waiting patients, you go to the doctor will be fooled. If you rely on the use of or treat, the eight parties boast, publicize for him, and create a false reputation, so that the fame of the medical treatment, will also suffer. As for the theoretical level of this point, the patient simply can not say, the doctor bragged, can it be said that the theoretical level is high?

Moreover, some theories are still out of touch with the clinic. Zhu Danxi of the four masters of Jin Yuan once said: \”After studying for three years, no disease can be cured.\” Three years of practice, nothing to use.\” Since none of the prescriptions in the book can be used in clinical practice, this is a clear evidence of the disconnection between theory and clinical practice, so some doctors use \”Medical, meaning also\” said, and \”with the disease.\”

For example, there is a famous doctor surnamed Zhang in Chengdu, who has written many books and asked about the world, and everyone praised him for his good knowledge, but at the same time, some people said that taking his medicine is not effective. In the 1960s, there was a doctor who was good at using herbal medicine, Zhou Sai, he said: a famous doctor Zhang once prescribed a medicine called \”cameline\”, the doctor\’s mother, the medicine was prescribed correctly, but the patients ran all over Chengdu, could not buy \”cameline\”, and finally went to his shop to buy it. In fact, \”cameline\” this taste of medicine, Chengdu folk called \”ground dishes\”, Lai Garden is everywhere, because the famous doctor Zhang prescription is written on the name of the herb, so can not buy. Through this matter, it at least shows that Zhang famous doctor knows the ancient but does not know the present, so it will cause the shortcomings of poor clinical. For a doctor with such a high level of theory, not to mention the rest.

If you take medicine for a week or two, the symptoms are improved, it is effective, otherwise find another clever. The medicine is right, the effect is very fast, the medical cancer disease, the medicine is right, it only takes one week, the clinical symptoms are improved. Any disease, as long as the right medicine, the effect will be quick.

 Accompanying notes - The \"tip\" and \"inside\" of the Jianghu skin door


上一篇 2024年8月21日
下一篇 2024年8月21日


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