The Door, Part 5

Hawning uncle Fu listen to his leadership about a thing is that someone to the high director sent a picture of a tiger is a staring tiger majesty of the appearance of anger at the beginning many people are praising the painter\’s pen work big tiger is too majestic looking at strong momentum also have a brown-nosing Said high director of prestige like tiger qi yu extraordinary king style and so on high director is down from the battlefield very like prestige is also a majestic field of large people suddenly happy to hang the painting in his study larger height specially told the nanny to carefully wipe nanny aunt Zhang the first time to see the painting played a shiver feel that the painting is too real like eating people at any time this feeling everyone has Point high is really like the weekend grandson came to play see the big tiger is afraid of the tight height is not happy he does not like the boys are timid and afraid of the family know his character is hard to say what a aunt Zhang with high ask for leave home to see the little grandson heard that the child is sick high also did not care about asked what situation aunt Zhang said a scared cry has been in hospital high mouth move After a moment aunt Zhang knew he did not like God ghost ghost thing said that it may be the child is delicate timid aunt Zhang left after two days and said to ask for a few more days to find her a letter of the old sister to help her a few days high mouth slightly moved and said look at

The aunt jade aunt work quick food also do very good family taste this day high Xiao Sun and slipped into grandpa\’s house to play aunt jade know high temper came in to pull Xiao sun out Xiao Sun sun has been staring at the tiger silent tears are flowing out of people also tremble jade aunt know Way scared hurriedly held out of the height of the love also found wrong called the daughter-in-law two people looked at the child has been shaking to think is not scared, in fact, the first time the child was scared daughter-in-law is not satisfied with the home hanging in the scary picture but her husband did not let her say that so little Sun Sun Bao Er has been in a state of tension small hands tightly holding a touch of forehead and a little burning adults hurriedly sent to the hospital doctor asked about the original Because the daughter-in-law said the child was scared by a big tiger painting the doctor is not easy to say what said the fever caused by excessive fright to observe the second day, the third day sometimes go down and sometimes burn up the daughter-in-law finally couldn\’t help but go home and tell his parents grandma grandpa at first did not believe that it is a painting they asked the doctor the doctor said it was frightened let the adults quickly find a psychological doctor to see not to become Autism or other scared grandpa found a high place came to the high home he also saw the painting at that time also felt too real and then shook his head high to know that after finding a very famous child psychologist ‍⚕️ Doctor Liu saw the baby and agreed with the hospital view he proposed to burn the painting in front of the child to see if the child will think he is safe high a little unhappy asked if it is still the same How to do Dr. Liu understand that just the test does not necessarily destroy the painting, we chose a compromise way is to lose the painting in front of the baby, the baby began to convulse when he saw the big tiger, and scared everyone quickly said that the lost painting, the tiger will not come again in front of the painting thrown out, so the baby is not so afraid, everyone thought that it was okay to change the baby to Dr. Liu where Dr. Liu accompanied the child The son always felt that it was not so simple to be frightened, but he was a person with a scientific rigorous attitude and should not have inappropriate ideas. Dr. Liu told his views to the baby\’s grandparents

My grandfather would rather believe that it is not credible its concept of asking whether there is a child to collect the alarm Gao Ren Fu uncle know let hawthorn ning with equipment to go to the height of the home to see if the problem Hawthorn ning with a stoat (weasel) they have known before High to go out of the meeting to come back late uncle Fu saw the tiger painting is also a fright hurriedly let hawthorn ning call out the ferat (Hawthorn ning in the \”door\” is a ceramic jar issued in the past to attract to see such a lovely little guy can not put down named Tao Tao) in fact, Tao Tao has not satisfied want to attack Hawthorn ning said there must be evil spirit Tao Tao are going to attack the family listen See are afraid to ask how to Fu Shu asked about the painting everyone only said Xiao Ke sent him is secretary assistant Fu Shu said must find the painting of this is not an antique is modern painting after Xiao Ke said this is a city in the legend of the magic pen Ma Liang (Liang) painting his paintings, especially animals are very God price is high this is set works Fu Shu said to see Ma Liang, They in the suburban mountains to see Ma Liang he is looking for special paint Ma Liang at first glance like rumors are looking at nerve Ma Liang heard high grandson because of his painting scared out of illness and excited and distressed Fu uncle asked him what paint is Ma Liang at first dont say hawthorn ning directly let Tao Tao threatened him he said paint added just dead animal blood this is his inspiration he inadvertently found just dead animal left Dark brown blood feel very good to hear that the blood of dead things to do the painting is very reiki in ancient times there are people and animal blood people blood Fu uncle let him lead the way to see where found blood Ma Liang said have been a long time early no Fu uncle ignore him to the place Tao Tao out to sniff sniff and call if it is ordinary blood Tao Tao smell to leave will not call later learned that it is someone was killed by the beast attack left Because in the mountains no one will clean uncle Fu sent everyone back to hawthorn ning let Tao Tao shake his head to find there is no owner of this blood spirit Tao Tao shaking head said there is no only the beast can now judge the evil spirit is human spirit they let Tao Tao to disperse the spirit of the beast finally everyone back to the baby grandfather home to discuss how not to destroy the painting to solve the evil spirit he has killed (Aunt Zhang\’s grandson also secretly into the study scared just no one knows Tao aunt Zhang also dare not say after aunt Zhang\’s grandson at home fever for a few days family also dont know the situation when children fever treatment found people can not call back aunt Zhang these are jade aunt said) Finally everyone said really no let Ma Liang redraw the same is because he used Yin material out of things so take the painting back Tao Tao directly attacked the painting bite the man because no one to save He has a guy put him when the paint gas is not good adults fire too high also very fierce he only put the gas out of the child with Tao Tao and uncle back to the mountain village told the old village people this evil spirit killed a person injured a soul (high grandson has reduced fever but people become dumb doctor Liu said may be autism or scared silly old also called lost soul due to time delay too long Can not heal) Haning with Tao Tao into the \”door\” went to the town of Santai to tell the evil spirit of the door people in the door it was detained in a room to do paperwork waiting for the above to take him (evil spirit)

Tips do not set those stimulating inspiration of the negative material and do dead things

The Door ends the fifth part and continues the sixth part


上一篇 2024年8月23日
下一篇 2024年8月23日


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