Just know that there are people who will not choose the door, remember these 5 points, sound insulation and environmental protection and beautiful # decoration

Choose the door to pay attention to five points, sound insulation effect is good, beautiful appearance, not easy to step on the pit.

If there is movement in the living room, it can be heard clearly in the bedroom. The quality of a friend\’s door is not good, remember the following five points, you will not go wrong when choosing a door!

· First, the most important function of the door is to protect privacy and sound insulation. Wooden boards can be used for privacy, but the sound insulation depends on internal padding. If the filler is honeycomb paper, do not choose it even if the price is cheap. It is best to choose the bridge mechanical plate, that is, a combination of a hole and a wood, the combination of air and wood can slow the transmission of sound and improve the sound insulation effect.

· Second, environmental protection is very important. Personal recommendations do not choose pure solid wood doors, the price is high and easy to deform, not very good with. Choose a solid wood composite door that meets E1 environmental standards, and you don\’t have to worry about formaldehyde.

 Just know that there are people who will not choose the door, remember these 5 points, sound insulation and environmental protection and beautiful # decoration


上一篇 2024年8月24日
下一篇 2024年8月24日


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