Fantasy novel The Door Part I

Working title \”Door\”

Door: After passing, close the outside boundary

The old village has been encircling the mountain for many years and is now divided into old villages, new villages, old villages are not want to move away. The new village is later people or people who moved away. The new village is some distance from the old village. The village is called the old forest.

The old forest has nine villages in the past. Many people live deep in the mountains The old people say that they are the children of the mountain god can not leave too far away those who agree with their views are living at the foot of the mountain and those who disagree are far away from the old village people attach great importance to tradition and value the blood village only those with pure blood recognize their people can get the old generation to teach their skills every year the children born in the village should inform the old village (those who don\’t want to tell don\’t expect the old village to help you if something happens) The people of the old village would pray to the mountain god to bless these children when the children were three years old, and some of the favored families took their children to accept the blessings of the old village. When the children were 12 years old, they went to the mountain God to bless them. These children were selected by the old village. After the age of 12, the children went to the county town or other places to study In any case, you have to go back to the old village to meet the elders in the village at this time, as long as you are willing to inherit the tradition, those who are not willing to inherit can also do paving for the old village. For example, if you want to do electronics industry, the relationship between the old village will pave the way for you, but all the children who have left the old village have been selected are pavers

So a wave of selected people become the inheritors and pavers There are five heirs this year, none of them are pavers. This wave of children is the largest number of heirs.

The story continues next… .. End of one of the Doors episodes

 Fantasy novel The Door Part I


上一篇 2024年8月25日
下一篇 2024年8月25日


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