# Wooden door

Did you choose the right wooden door?

The factory price of naked people is about five hundred yuan, and the door is divided into two categories from the large direction. The first category is painted, and the second category is unpainted. This is divided into two categories from the surface form and from the internal structure.

· The first category is pure solid wood doors, both inside and outside are a kind of wood.

· The second category is that the wood inside and the wood outside are different, called solid wood composite. The wood inside is the same as the wood outside, it is made of a whole wood, pure solid wood, and pure solid wood doors are easy to deform.

Therefore, in the north, what is generally done is solid wood composite doors. The solid wood composite door is made of wood keel, and the density board is sealed outside, and the carbon crystal board is sealed outside. Density board outside for baking paint, can also be pasted wood. Carbon crystal board can also do paint, do free paint to do no paint can be done.

# Wooden door


上一篇 2024年8月26日
下一篇 2024年8月26日


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