\”The door should always be open, the door should always be closed\”, what is the difference between the door and the door? The loyalty of the ancestors…

\”The door should always be open, the door should always be closed\”, what is the difference between the door and the door? Can we trust the advice of our ancestors?

In the past, there was such a saying \”the door should always be open, the door should always be closed\”, what does this sentence mean? To figure that out, let\’s first understand what a door and a household are.

In the past, people and we live different, most of them are single families with a yard, even the poor family, there is a separate yard. The door in \”Keep the door open\” refers to the gate of the courtyard.

Generally speaking, a house has only one front door. If the courtyard area is relatively large, it will be divided into the front door and the back door, even if there are two gates, the front door is the only main door.

\”The door should always be open\”, literally, refers to the front door should be open to the outside world, if understood from Chinese traditional culture, refers to the attitude of a family to the outside world.

An open attitude to the outside world shows that the family is tolerant, willing to make friends and contact with all kinds of people. Relationships, both for people and for a family, are very important.

If a businessman has a good network of contacts, he will naturally get good money. If the official family is happy to make friends and the door is open, it also means that the family does not hide dirt, and will not cause others to suspect, in addition, the network of contacts is successful, and the family\’s children are also supported by dignitaries, and the official career is also bright.

\”The door is open\”, representing the attitude of the family, can not only bring popularity, but also bring good luck.

What does the household in \”the household should always be closed\” mean? In ancient times, several families lived together and were divided into large, second, and third rooms according to their seniority. Each house is a separate household, and the household here means the doors and Windows of the house in which each house lives.

There is no way to compare the old security with today. There are no police patrols and no surveillance equipment. It is very easy for evil people to do bad things when it is dark. If the doors and Windows are not closed, it is easy to be targeted by the gangster, the light loses property, the heavy is empty.

In addition to the meaning of good protection, \”the household should be often closed\” is also to remind everyone to protect privacy. Even a family has its secrets. Don\’t think that only modern people value privacy. In fact, privacy was just as important to ancient people.

Close the doors and Windows, is to ensure that their privacy is not exposed, after all, the larger the family, the easier it is to intrigue between several rooms, in doing so, but also to avoid some unnecessary trouble.

To put it straight, close the doors and Windows, mainly to prevent villains not prevent gentlemen. When you meet a person with a bright mind, even if you see someone else\’s doors and Windows open, you will never peek into the secrets of others.

\”The door should always be open, the door should always be closed\”, seemingly simple, in fact, the information is quite large. It says the traditional sense of the world, a family wants to continue, it must not be behind closed doors, set in its ways, learn to contact with the outside world, make friends all over the world, and draw on the strength of the family. However, when it comes to your own safety, you should also learn to protect yourself.

I don\’t know how you will interpret this sentence in front of the screen?

Well, let\’s talk about it today, and welcome to \”like\” attention, if you have ideas, leave a comment area for exchange and discussion. See you next time

 \"The door should always be open, the door should always be closed\", what is the difference between the door and the door? The loyalty of the ancestors...


上一篇 2024年8月27日
下一篇 2024年8月27日


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