Mun Shen Jiu Detailed explanation # The beauty of Chinese characters

· Men deep nine: a stack of pens, to this side, after receiving, the tip of the pen and the front line can be aligned. Follow the same line as the door described earlier, resist and continue until you reach the proposed position. The two lines need to be close together, with space above them, while this line needs to be held up and extended upwards, and then flipped directly over. If you look at the position, you can see that when he flips he has to apply a little bit of force, and then he goes to the left, and then he takes it back, and he writes this cross, and then he raises the pen, and then he writes this point, and then he folds the pen back, and then he pushes down. It\’s easier to push down, right? After the force is applied, the pen is lifted, and then pressed, and then the left top, until the proposal position is reached, then the hook will naturally connect, the pen needs to be held, and then the pen is withdrawn, and finally the pen is drawn down, and then the top is raised, this is the process of the proposal.

 Mun Shen Jiu Detailed explanation # The beauty of Chinese characters


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