

KaiHongShun Studio



It is a social phenomenon of great development of both humanities and economy in the ancient society of China that \”there are no leftovers on the road and no doors are closed at night\”. However, due to the limitations of the agricultural society, the change between dynasties is inevitable, so the existence of the Peach Blossom Garden and the phenomenon of Mulan taking the place of her father in the army emerged…



When it comes to security doors, we are no strangers. Many people believe that they have also installed various types of security doors. What about the security doors of the ancients! The security door in ancient times was a sliding cage door.


The sliding cage door is a unique wooden door of the folk houses in Lingnan area, which is generally made of grid wood…It is composed of more than ten thick logs, with chutes at the upper and lower ends, and a pulley at the threshold, which can be pushed and pulled horizontally. When the door is closed, it looks like a cage, so it is called a push cage door.


The sliding cage door has the function of ventilation and light transmission. After the door is opened, sunlight and wind can enter the house through the sliding cage door, which is convenient for lighting and ventilation of the house. In the weather of Lingnan, the sliding cage door can speed up the air circulation in the house.



In addition to the function of ventilation and light transmission, the sliding cage door also has the function of anti-theft. A sliding tooth pulley is arranged on the threshold of the sliding cage door, which can be pushed and pulled horizontally; Besides, there is a bolt on the door, so people outside cannot pull out the bolt through the gap between the logs; Moreover, the sliding cage door is generally made of lattice wood unique to Lingnan.


In addition to the functions of ventilation, light transmission and anti-theft, the sliding cage door can also create a comfortable and safe growth space for children. When parents are busy with all kinds of trivial things at home, they can open the door and use the sliding cage door to let children run around freely at home, and they can also communicate with people outside through the sliding cage door.



With the development of the times. It is hard to see such a house with three entrances and three exits, and modern high-rise buildings are not suitable for sliding cage doors, so the sliding cage doors begin to fade out of many people\’s memories.


上一篇 2023年10月5日
下一篇 2023年10月5日


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