

KaiHongShun Studio






Paint free doors are wood doors that do not require paint. Most paint free doors refer to PVC faced doors. It is made of solid wood composite door or molded door by PVC veneer vacuum plastic processing technology. The door jambs are also treated with PVC veneer.


Advantages: The product surface is free of paint and has stronger environmental protection.


Disadvantages: It is easy to be affected by humidity, temperature and air, causing cracks and deformation, and is not easy to repair. It is recommended not to use it in wet places such as toilets and kitchens.




The molded door is made of two high-density fiber molded door skins with modeling and simulated wood grain by mechanical pressing. The molded door panel is made of planted wood, peeled, sliced, screened, ground into dry fiber, mixed with adhesive and paraffin, and molded at high temperature.


Most molded door products are hollow – the door body is very light when it is knocked. The sound insulation effect is also poor. And do not touch water or bump.


Advantages: mechanized production, low cost and economical price.


Disadvantages: limited style, poor sound insulation.




The core is mostly made of pine, fir, etc., pasted with density board or Liu\’an board, and the veneer is made of solid wood bark after high temperature hot pressing, and the edge is sealed with solid wood lines. Because the density of Chinese fir is small and the moisture content is easy to control, the finished door has good stability and is not easy to crack and deform.


Advantages: no cracking and deformation, sound insulation, environmental protection, durable, easy to repair, strong solid wood feel and feel.


Disadvantages: afraid of water.



The solid wood door is made of natural logs from the forest as the door core, which is dried, and then processed scientifically through blanking, planing, tenoning, drilling, high-speed milling and other processes.


Solid wood doors are made of solid wood, such as cherry wood, walnut, teak, etc. Because the material is more thick, it has a good sound insulation effect.


Advantages: corrosion resistance, no cracks, thermal insulation. It has good sound absorption and high environmental protection performance.


Disadvantages: If the dehydration treatment of solid wood fails, the door body is easy to deform, the tenon joint is easy to crack, and the door core plate shrinks after being made into a wooden door. All are made of solid wood, with poor flame retardancy.


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Touch the frame, panel and corner of the door with your hand to see if there is any scratch. The wood door with good quality is soft and delicate. The paint is better, and the color of the door panel looks even and natural; The material of the door panel is good, so the handle is fine and smooth, and the overall feeling is even and beautiful.


In addition, the fillings inside the door are generally divided into solid and partial solid fillings. Solid fillings must be heavy and expensive, while partial solid fillings are relatively light and cheap. If the budget is sufficient, you can choose the solid wood door with smooth, solid and thick appearance.



When purchasing wooden doors, check whether the wooden doors have quality certificates issued by the state. In addition, detailed description of materials, structure, quality and performance shall be attached. The environment-friendly wooden door must bear the green ten ring sign of China\’s environmental sign.


As for formaldehyde emission, the national E1 environmental protection standard refers to that the formaldehyde emission is less than 1.5MG/L; European standard E0 environmental protection standard refers to that formaldehyde emission is less than 0.5MG/L, which can be used indoors when reaching E1 environmental protection standard.




The sound insulation function of the door is an important standard to measure the quality of the door. The sound insulation effect of the wooden door depends on the material of the door and the details during processing. The sound insulation performance of the door is achieved by reducing air flow. Therefore, the higher the density and weight of the door, the better the sound insulation effect.


The size of the door gap will also affect the sound insulation effect. The gap between the door and the ground is generally 5-8mm. The total gap between the door and the door frame should not exceed 6mm, and the upper edge of the door should not exceed 2mm.

– 关于选购的一些tips –


When buying a door, it is recommended to choose a door with the same decoration style as your own.


Color can be considered from several aspects, such as the color of furniture, the main color of decoration, and the floor or floor tiles and skirting lines.


In addition, different doors can be selected for different spaces. For example, sound insulation solid wood doors or solid wood composite doors can be selected for bedrooms, and waterproof and moisture-proof aluminum alloy doors can be selected for toilets and kitchens.


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In addition to the choice of the door leaf, the hardware of the door is also important. Hardware accessories of wooden doors mainly include: door lock, hinge, door stopper, handle, etc.



When choosing, we can judge the quality of the door lock and handle from the aspects of feel, weight and workmanship.


The heavier the handle of the lock, the thicker the material of the lock cylinder is, the more wear resistant it is. The surface finish of the lock shall be checked to see whether it is fine and smooth, and whether there is oxidation. Repeatedly open it with the key to check the sensitivity of the lock cylinder spring.


The same goes for checking the handle.




Hinge and door stopper are important factors for door installation. Good materials of hinges include stainless steel and copper. Copper is more expensive, and stainless steel is enough to meet general needs.


The door stopper should also be made of stainless steel. The door stopper with poor quality is very easy to break, so you can break it when you buy it. If it is deformed, don\’t buy it.

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After the door is installed, don\’t forget the final step of acceptance. It can only be said that the door is completed if it passes the acceptance.


First of all: whether the overall appearance of the gate is crooked and vertical; Check whether the door leaf is installed vertically; Finally, check whether the door bushing is installed vertically.


Secondly: check whether there is any gap between the door pocket line and the wall directly. If there is, remove the door pocket line and make it new, or make it up.


Finally:close the door leaf back and forth to ensure that the hinge is firmly installed, the wooden door is opened and closed smoothly, and the door is locked and opened several times to ensure smooth unlocking.



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